Robin Barber lecture, The Cyclades in Greek art, 12 March 2019
12 MARCH 2019
1715 (5:15 PM) room S11 Swallowgate
Robin Barber
Title: ‘The Cyclades in Greek art’
Summary: After a glance at some precursors, the talk examines the representation of the Cycladic islands in Greek painting since the establishment of the modern Greek state, with an excursion into the poetry of Elytes.
Please join us for a presentation by Robin Barber. Robin, resident in Edinburgh, Athens and Mytilene, is the perfect reflection of the Society. Robin has a long association with the University of Edinburgh and has published extensively on Bronze Age archaeology in the Cyclades amongst a host of other subjects, including being the author of the most archaeologically grounded editions of the Blue Guide to Greece.
Refreshments will be served, a modest donation would be most appreciated.